Expose. Educate. Empower.

Published Points of View is an educational initiative with the mission to make journalism and expressive writing accessible to all.

Discovering our voices through journalism.

Minority groups constitute only a small fraction of newsroom staff, which skews the perspectives portrayed in media. We started Published Points of View to lower the barrier of entry for journalism in under-resouced communities, which lack critical education in argumentative and expressive writing.

Our Impact.

300+ Students Served

50+ Volunteers Nationwide

We organize workshops in underserved neighborhoods across Southern California. 80% of our elementary and middle school students have been racial minorities currently underrepresented in American media. Since we invite our attendees through a teacher nomination system, the students we instruct have shown demonstrated interest in writing and journalism.

Organizing Live Workshops

We launched The Holos Project this February in partnership with ENGin, a nonprofit based in Ukraine that teaches English to Ukrainian students. High school mentors guided students through writing their op-ed journalism articles. We have completed a total of 40 student-mentor partnerships thus far!

Connecting Students Globally

Many of the articles our students have published exhibit their personal perspectives on complex issues, such as police brutality or healthcare for transgender children. Our students importantly feel heard in their opinions and empowered to discuss those of others.

Publishing Student Op-eds

“I just wanted to say thank you so much to you and Cammie for providing such an opportunity to students like me who are trying to improve their writing skills! I’m excited to see what else I can learn and practice from this wonderful program… today was a great experience, and I am very grateful to be given the chance.”

— Madeline Garcia, Pasadena Unified